Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's a Boy!

We found out today at our 20 week ultrasound that we are going to be having another boy. The ultrasound tech tried hiding from us the fact that we could see body parts by saying that certain parts could be the umbilical cord but at the end of the appointment she confirmed to us that we were having a boy. I am really happy because I think him and Owen will be great pals and Derek is thrilled that we don't have to buy all new things for the nursery and clothes!

I haven't written in a long time becuase things have been crazy in the Haag household. Owen has kept us busy pretending that he is learning to be potty trained. He tells me all of the time that big boys wear underwear and babies wear diapers. I then ask him if he is a big boy and he responds with an enthusiastic “YES”, however, I inform him that he still wears diapers. We had so much momentum in January with him going on the potty but now he wants nothing to do with it. I think he is trying to establish control with us, because he also likes to tell Derek and I that after we pray at dinnertime he did not say Amen!

I have started studying for my NSCA – CSCS certification and hoping to take the test in early April and then take my CPT certification test in May. It is something I have to get done before the baby is born and it is tough! I know I only work part time but now I feel like I work full time. I don’t know how full time moms do it with keeping the house clean, feeding everyone and still having time to work out!

I am feeling great and still exercising and training. I am definintely slowing down though. I came home from the pool today and Derek asked me how it went. I told him fine but I can tell that I am slower, he then informed me that well you are 20 weeks pregnant! I think it is hard for me to accept that because I am such a competitive person by nature so when people are passing me in the pool or when I am not making times that I use to in regards to swimming and running it frustrates me. I need to be happy that I can still do all of these things and that I will come back stronger . I think it is a good idea to always set goals for everything you do and I have been doing that the last couple of years with the sport of triathlon. This year my number #1 goal was to have a healthy pregnancy, and then #2 was to be able to race by August. I think #3 was to be able to achieve race times similar to last year. This year triathlon will have to get my body back in shape and I am accepting that… but it’s still hard!

We leave for Florida in 12 days and I can’t wait to get out of this cold weather. Owen is so excited to go on a plane too because he knows that he gets to watch a movie on it! It will be so nice to be able to walk on the beach, eat fresh food from the farmers markets, and just relax!

I had a baby shower for a good friend of mine a couple weeks ago and
tons of friends from college were here to help us celebrate - here is a picture of all of us at my house. You can't see my tummy in the picture but I will take some soon and post them.

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